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Fred Marzo

Fred MarzoShoes Women Fred Marzo MADO BAB'S 

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Fred Marzo, the red line…
A stylist with Cannoise origins, Fred Marzo is one of the most promising designers of his generation. After his classes with Stephane Kelian, Christian Louboutin and Catherine Sartore, Frederick Foubet Marzorati decided to launch his eponymous label by simplifying his name to just Marzo. Since Marzo means March in Italian, home of his mother and the month of his birthday, it seemed fitting. Identifiable by a lively inventiveness and the signature the red line located on the heel of each model, which acts as a continuation of the seam of tights and stockings. Crafted from high-quality materials, luxurious finishes and a reworked vintage inspiration are the main hallmarks of Fred Marzo ... Not forgetting, of course, the French hand-finished details!

Shoes Women Heels Fred Marzo MADO BAB'S Black

Fred Marzo
Mado Bab's

£ 504.00      £ 428.40
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Shoes Women Heels Fred Marzo MADO BAB'S Black
Fred Marzo
Mado Bab's

£ 504.00      £ 428.40


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